The Sailor Manyo Ink Series is based on popular flowers frequently mentioned in Japanese “Manyoshu” – an anthology of compiled ancient poems(c.759), Sailor has chosen eight dye-based ink colors to best represent this vibrant palette range.
Over a period of four centuries 4,516 poems were written by every class of person ranging from Emperors to merchants and farmers. "Manyo" is an abbreviation of "Manyosyu" and its meaning indicates people of all ranks.
This ink was designed with dual-shading properties that create incredible depth in writing, calligraphy, and art.
Sailor Manyo Bottled Ink in Koke - 50 mL Specifications
- Color: Koke is an aqua blue ink with shading into purples and some green
- Superior Quality
- Ink: Dye based
- Capacity: 50ml
- Size: 2.99 x 2.16 x 1.85 in. (76 x 55 x 47 mm)
- Weight: 7.51oz (213g)
- Made In Japan