Fountain Pen University

Welcome, pen friends!

Many say that handwriting is a "dying" or "lost" art. Ironically, the same technology that was supposed to kill analog writing helps keep it alive for a new generation. Finding information about fountain pens and connecting with the worldwide pen community is easier than ever thanks to the internet and mobile technology.

In Fountain Pen University, you'll obtain the knowledge to master fine writing and apply it to your daily life.Starting with the basics - learn the parts of a fountain pen by studying the fountain pen anatomy diagrams.

Want to know how to fill your fountain pen? How to maintain your pen? How to swap nibs? Which nib size to choose? How to keep a journal? Watch our step-by-step, quick tip video library to become an expert in no time.

After watching some videos that are pertinent to your interests, you may have a follow-up question (or two). We created a FAQ page to address common inquiries about pens. If your question isn't answered there, contact our expert team of pen professionals for a thoughtful and timely response.

Most popular fountain pens  are available in a wide variety of materials, shapes, and sizes. Much like clothing, they are tools that are built to fit the user. Each person has different tastes and requirements for a great writing pen. Find fair and honest pen reviews from writers like you to help guide you in your search for the perfect pen.

Fountain Pen University

Welcome to our library of all our fountain pen knowledge. Get started by educating yourself in the basics here:

How to use a fountain pen - a beginner's guide

What is inside of a pen?

Ever wonder how a pen works? You've come to the "write" place. Get familiar with the anatomy of your pen using this helpful illustrated guide.

Explore the anatomy of a fountain pen.

How to use a fountain pen

What makes writing with a fountain pen such a fun and rewarding experience? We'll take you step-by-step so you can fully enjoy the pleasure of putting nib to paper.

See how to write with a fountain pen

How to fill a fountain pen

Inking your fountain pen should be easy and mess-free. We show you how.

Step-by-step fountain pen filling instructions

How to write with a fountain pen

Take your handwriting to the next level while using your fountain pen.

Learn how to write with a fountain pen.

How to Clean a Fountain Pen

Keep your nibs writing smoothly with our tips, tricks, and methods to clean fountain pens.

Here are the best practices in cleaning fountain pens.

Cartridge Converter Compatibility

Pen refills can be a little tricky. Make sure you're ordering the correct replacement cartridges using our handy reference.

Find the cartridge/converter compatibility chart here.

Best Pens For Lefties

Don't leave out the lefties! We discuss how a left-handed person can make the best use of fountain pens.

See the best pens (that don't smudge) for lefties here.

Fountain Pen Troubleshooting

Get that ink flowing again with these time-tested tips to troubleshoot your fountain pen.

Find out how to fix your fountain pen here.


All of your burning fountain pen questions answered here.

Browse our responses to frequently asked questions about pens here.

Customer Reviews

See which pens other writers are raving about.

Browse over 6,000 reviews on the Goldspot Pens website here.

Marbled fountain pen with cap.

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