On the 10th of June 1943, brothers Laszlo and Gyorgy Biro obtained the patent for the ballpoint pen. The invention changed the world of writing forever.
June 10th, 2020 marks the 77th anniversary of the patent filing for the ballpoint pen. Invented by brothers Laszlo and Gyorgy Biro, the ballpoint pen became the ubiquitous writing tool that we can still appreciate in the digital age. In this post, we celebrate National Ballpoint Pen Day with a special Top 5 list and a massive giveaway!
Ballpoint pens aren’t always the sexiest thing to talk about in the world of fine writing, but they are nonetheless ubiquitous, and often times they’re the first and most frequent type of pen that the average person will encounter in their lifetimes. Sometimes, the right ballpoint pen can act as a gateway to the entire rest of the fine writing ecosystem. And other times, ballpoint pens will remain an enthusiast’s favorite kind of pen. Ballpoint variations of some of the most popular product lines out there exist for good reason.