Corporate Sales

Business Executive Pens - Goldspot Fine Writing

Building your Brand Image with the Best Business Pens

The year was 2008. Within the matter of weeks, a pen with the Bear Stearns imprinted logo became more valuable than the $10 per share that JP Morgan paid to acquisition the company.

Bear Sterns Personalized Corporate Pen on eBay

A stark example, but a powerful one to show the longevity of the mighty pen. Although the company had collapsed, part of its identity remained embodied in their custom pen.

Creating a company that others trust and value takes time and investment. Having a professional letterhead, website and business card are all part of how others perceive your business. A business pen is an all-around classy gift to provide at corporate functions, achievement goals for employees, and loyalty gifts for your best customers. Everyone who interacts with your business will put you in higher regards. Having your company logo personalized on the pen leaves an indelible mark that will put your company in the forefront of its user.

Why a Throw-Away Bic Simply Won’t Do

Bank pens and other freebie pens simply don’t convey the value that you want others to see in your business. Sure, you can get thousands of cheap pens for pennies on the dollar with your logo slapped on, but how does that look to the people who receive and use them? What happens when the limited ink supply dries out? Or when the clicker function breaks under everyday use? Those are not the pens you want representing your business.

Our curated selection of over 10,000 fine writing products are represented by over 50 respected brands, some of which are globally recognized for their quality and dedication to making a writing instrument that lasts a lifetime. Goldspot’s authorized retailer status validates the manufacturer’s warranty, meaning you have piece of mind that your company’s writing instruments are guaranteed to work correctly for quite some time.

Collaborations Strengthen Your Brand

Putting your company's name and/or logo alongside the likes of Waterman, Parker, LAMY or Cross lends your brand the authority and trustworthiness that has been built by these storied companies. Most of our top writing brands are globally recognized and hold deep, intrinsic value with collectors and enthusiasts. To be identified as a fellow collaborator with a household name is key in projecting the same value upon your own company.

Contact us for a Custom Quote

See something on our website that you would like a quote on for a bulk order? Need help with finding the perfect pen gift for your company or clients? Let our courteous and knowledgeable staff help you navigate the world of fine writing to meet your needs, deadline and budget.Submit your query here.

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