One of the most exciting days of the year is upon us. Fountain Pen Day has a special place in our hearts here at Goldspot Pens. Each year, we love to celebrate his unofficial holiday by launching new releases, special deals, and giveaways. But first, we'd like to share some background information on our community's special day.
What is fountain pen day?
Created by pen enthusiast Cary Yeager, "Fountain Pen Day" is an international appreciation for the hobby of using and collecting fountain pens. The idea is to embrace, promote, and share the use of popular fountain pens.
When is fountain pen day?
Since its inception in 2012, Fountain Pen Day is always the first Friday in November. In 2024, Fountain Pen Day falls on November 1st! Although it is technically one day, most tend to celebrate throughout the weekend with club meetups, events, and sales.
Below, you'll see what Goldspot Pens has in store for the fountain pen holiday.